Our Mission Statement:
“To Educate and Equip others for Daily Spiritual Battle”
This ministry work is inspired by the teachings of Thomas Aquinas, Father Jordan Aumann, O.P.; exorcists that we have worked with and the exorcists that have gone before them. Brave ministers such as Father Gabriele Amorth, S.S.P; Father Fortea, Father Ripperger, Father Euteneuer, Father Gary Thomas, and many others. This Franciscan healing ministry is dedicated to all those, caught in the dark web of deceit, that cannot find their way back to the light of the most Holy Ghost, present in the true light of Christ.
Pax Christi, Viva Christo Rey!
Swords of Saint Michael
Began in Springfield Missouri by Br. Kenneth Diel in 1985 as an idea to aid those experiencing haunted houses, ghosts, noises in the night and unexplained phenomena. He started “Swords of the saints” blog to invite all those who needed a calm head to explain supernatural and preternatural events they didn’t understand. After many years experience of attempting to aid those in haunted situations, online blogging and working with various Ghost hunting teams in the area—He penned his research and started a study course on Demonology, The Catholic Demonologist. 2010—Br. Kenneth Deel OFS, and Sr. Farah Rose Deel OFS, are Franciscans of the Third order, and work for their Roman Catholic diocese of Springfield-Cape, for the “Office of Spiritual Deliverance & Exorcism”, as “Consultants”, Spiritual Warfare counselors, Field investigators, assisting exorcist, etc. They are also Diocese Certified Catechists, Marriage prep leaders, and are considered also for their work in “Evangelization” to bring people to the faith, along with the Office of Exorcism can show people the power of Jesus Christ through the church and it’s sacraments and tools of the church.
2019, Brother Kenneth died Easter morning
Today—Sr Farah OFS, along with Jacob Diel, KOC continue work to maintain the ministry with many assists from pastors exorcists and other lay people both locally and at an international level with their work in the Church. Education on these topics, in educating Laity, Clergy, and the general public, They currently have 6 books published on spiritual warfare, two more to come this year (God Willing)!